Anahata DAO

We are an alternative to current forms of government and organization. In order to be self-sustaining and thrive, we seek to identify income-generating models based on our 12 core values.


We are the Anahata DAO family, a decentralized autonomous organization, simply put we are a social organization; one could even consider us a crypto nation. In truth, we are a nationless, borderless and leaderless global organization.


You are a free-spirit, a strong soul, a change maker, a wanderer soul who seeks to explore the wonders of life and doesn’t conform with traditional norms of society. You learn best by exploring and want continuous feedback, therefore you are actively engaged in social media and other internet platforms. You aspire to make a difference, therefore it matters what you do and that you are appreciated, beyond just financial reasons. You are looking to explore and share your natural gifts with the world.


Anyone one of you may be one of our founding citizens, family members in truth. At Anahata DAO we apply the roles of family into our community, organization and reality we create together. There are no employees or bosses, no work, instead we choose to be co-creators, playing this experience of life, in our highest form, highest possibilities.

Welcome to the Anahata Family

Where dreams are manifested into realities.

We welcome anyone from any geographical location, race, age, gender or belief, provided they abide by these 12 core principles of Bliss, Peace, Harmony, Love, Understanding, Empathy, Clarity, Purity, Unity, Compassion, Kindness and Forgiveness.


Divine Love - Unity Consciousness on Earth, inclusive of all life forms, moving and unmoving, by empowering all to become their highest version of Self.

Missions & Objectives

• To make life fun, turning work into play, with a unique use of family roles as the primary roles for each actor in the Anahata family.

• Plug & Play Cloud Society Solution - A Flourishing, prosperous and self-sustaining Anahata DAO family to act as a model of cooperation and service-to-others in the globe, as an alternative to nation-states and centralized corporations.

• Talent Incubator - Create a distributed network of global change makers, influencers, ambassadors, citizens and family by empowering them with tokenomics to influence decision making, leading to endless streams of ideas into projects, in which everyone has an alignment of interest.

• Bliss Breath - Organize ecstatic & dynamic breathwork meditation gatherings and on-going programs for groups of various sizes, both online and in-person.

• Life Itself Podcast NFT Game - To raise public awareness, to attract our Council of Elders (see family structure for details) and generate income.

• Anahata App, our mental wellness community dApp, where life transformation programs, various challenges and tasks are designed and delivered. Our life transformation programs focus on creating rags to riches stories (not just material), which will act as testimony for the wonders at the Anahata DAO family.

• Holistic Life Destinations – Consider our holistic life destinations as the best of all worlds – A way of life, an all-inclusive spa, retreat, lounge & living destination with ancient modalities, holistic natural treatments and therapies, meat-free organic, healthy and delicious sanctified dishes, various experience rooms (some inward, some sense-based). As the Anahata dApp is launched, many of our initial founding citizens will be our verified healers of our holistic treatments, both on our dApp programs and Holistic Life Destinations.

• Prana-For-Food Global Program to address the issue of hunger by organizing breathing sessions followed by lunches, where we take in life force energy (prana) through breathing first and then eat to feed the physical body.

• Govinda Restaurant Chain - Eliminate all-meat consumption from the globe, by offering tastier, healthier and cheaper alternatives.

• Create a 100% solar power energy ecosystem. As a newly founded society, we can adopt any forms of technology and we choose solar power as our primary energy source. We seek to use, work with and develop solar power technologies, including studying the ancient knowledge and Nikola Tesla’s work on free energy by harnessing the energy of the Sun.

• Create a spiritual and holistic chartered smart city by building innovative, sustainable and environmentally synergistic solutions to our 360° energy consumption habits such as our bodies, animals and plant life, infrastructure such as roads, housing, electricity, vehicles, machinery and tools.


Anahata DAO is an alternative to current forms of government and organization, where we move away from the closed, top-down hierarchical systems of organization that encourages competition and service-to-self, towards an open, distributed form of organization and governance, where we foster collaboration and service-to-others in order to benefit every member of the ecosystem. In order to be self-sustaining and thrive, we seek to identify income-generating models based on our 12 core values.


Initial candidate founding citizen calls and private seed sale mid-Dec 2021, leading to the Anahata DAO initial coin offering on 21st December 2021.


Build the Anahata DAO family, its network, growing its citizen base and encourage active participation, through regular gatherings, activities and incentives such as the Founding Citizens Initial Bounty Distribution of 711 million YAM tokens (9% of entire token supply).


Plan, promote and organize our annual Unity Consciousness Family (UCF) Event in-person in Hawaii and virtually.

Life Itself Podcast NFT game to initiate and attract our council of elders (also keynote speakers).


Talent Acquisition and Development – Our initial founding citizens are our first talent and we aim to aid in their growth and development through our - You Create Your Reality on-boarding program to equip them with the experiences, knowledge, tools and connections, to find their highest purpose and turn them into manifestations with the Anahata DAO ecosystem.


Mental Wellness App (dApp) to address the desperate mental and emotional challenges like stress, burnout, lack of direction, sadness and loneliness. The global mental wellness space is approx. 121 billion USD (2019), Headspace & Calm, Tripp are leading the app & vr space.


Ecstatic & Dynamic Breathwork Meditation in-person, online gatherings and programs for high-performance habits for all. These activities will be tied to our unique Prana (breathwork) mining incentives, where verified Proof of Attendance NFT badges will get token allocations for the activity.


Native token will be called YAM; YAM is the seed syllable for the Heart – Anahata chakra. Initial token supply: 7,907,960,129 according to Earth’s population on 20th November 2021 at 12.53pm Helsinki. Further information about tokenomics will be released shortly.

Anahata Projects Platform

Any YAM token holder can propose a project, in accordance with our governance mechanism. Each approved project is eligible to our talent incubator’s network, resources and seed funding. A seed fund will be provided to each approved project, effectively having no less than 100 creative projects launched each year, due to our 1% allocation of projects treasury. An avalanche of projects is expected to be initiated at the Anahata DAO family.

Additional funding can be made available by participating through our Anahata Projects Platform to support existing projects and to explore new projects, through staking YAM tokens. Each Anahata citizen is eligible to nominate themselves for the consideration as a contributing family member on any given project and get monthly token allocation rewards for the contribution made to the project, in addition to getting a staked share of the rewards for each project.


Prana – Creative Life Force Energy

Prana exists in sentient beings as the energy that drives every action; voluntary and involuntary, every thought, every level of the mind and body. Thousands of years ago, the yogis living in the shadow of the Himalayas fathomed the inherent quality of motion in creation and they called it prana. One may roughly translate the word prana as 'energy' or 'vital force'. Prana is subtle, a gross manifestation of prana is air, therefore at the Anahata family we use ancient, scientific breathing methods for harnessing prana and creating energy amplifiers through our unique Prana Mining Program, to which 12 % of total initial YAM token supply have been made available for mining through verified breathing activities, tokens can be claimed by receiving a Proof of Attendance Protocol (POAP) from a validating Anahata citizen.

Law of Attraction

We all know the great secret that everything is energy and if we only match with the frequency of the reality we want, we cannot help but get that reality. Nothing can emerge unless someone perceived it first, then manifested in this reality. Therefore, our thoughts make up our realities.

We at Anahata DAO know how to apply the powers of the mind and prana, through which we become conscious creators in-action, otherwise one is merely a victim of karma and consequences. Once all these four dimensions of you (physical body, mind, emotion and fundamental life energy) are organized in one direction, once you’re like this, anything you wish happens. Our tailored life programs and talent incubator utilizes and offers the ancient and latest technologies, teachings and guides as a Plug & Play Create Your Own Reality solution with the Anahata DAO family .

Master Mind Alliance Principle

A unique value proposition is formed around the Master Mind Alliance principle, which is an old secret among the wealthiest and powerful of the past centuries. A group of like-minded individuals who direct their concentrated energy onto their goals, attain their highest desires by manifesting them into their immediate reality.

Through our tailored Life Programs, the Anahata family will support in the clearing of past limiting thoughts, setting intentions and planning a path towards the wishes one seeks to manifest with powerful practices and tools, while harnessing the energies and resources of our Talent Incubator available through the Anahata family.

Network Effects

The network effect is a phenomenon whereby increased numbers of people or participants improve the value of a good, service or community. Network effects are so powerful that our linear-thinking minds cannot grasp, example. a network of just 10k members: 10k x 10k is valued at 100 million. In other words, communities and organizations that leverage network effects have asymmetric upside, meaning we punch above our weight, we are the Davids that replace the Goliaths.

We have several network effects at play at Anahata DAO, most notably tribal network effects with our family roles - structure, nothing is stronger than the network of family.


Adds game mechanics into non-game environments, or simply the use of incentives and rewards to attract and encourage engagement of a community. The elements of gamification generally all fall into one of several categories: narrative/story, challenges, levels, instant feedback, scores, badges, rewards, collaborative tasks, and leaderboards. Most important incentive is however intrinsic, with alignment of values.

Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Activities, Value, Incentive, Actors

Founding Godfather NFT Key

will unlock 33% of the total token supply with a 3.69 billion USDC restricted smart contract endowment. We seek this new form of utilizing NFTs as there are 470 billion USD as given to charity annually just in the US alone waiting to be unlocked, this ensures, that the Godfather’s funds go as intended and provide us with continued funds not only for developing our current activities but also providing a large pool of seed capital for our new projects to be unlocked. ⅓ of the 33% unlocked will be rewarded as a bounty to all those who contributed to the unlocking of the Founding Godfather NFT key.

Founding Citizen NFTs

711 million (9% of total token supply) goes to the Founding Citizen Initial Bounty Distribution, which will be made available over 3 years starting from after the fair start period (21/12/2021 - 31/12/2021), on 1/1/2022 00.00.
Founding citizens will have a monthly YAM token emission of 19 769 900, which will be earmarked to the active, contributing citizens. Every 30 days, citizens will have 20% of earmarked tokens released to their wallet.
Founding citizens can also become a verified validator for our physical gatherings such as our Prana “Mining” activities, through the use of Proof of Attendance protocol (POAP).

Life Itself Podcast NFTs

Create first ever NFT podcast game, with exclusive access into the minds of some of the greatest souls, mystics, sages, pioneers, innovators, scientists, celebrities, speakers. NFTs serve as timeless valuable collectables, limited to 9,999 + 1 NFTs each episode guest. NFT includes exclusive, limited NFT podcast recording, admission to our Unity Consciousness Family (UCF) multi-day experience (in-person or metaverse like Dreamland, Sandbox), lifetime access to our Anahata dApp and a tailored life transformation program with a verified guide.

Council of Elders NFT Bounty Game

Our Life Itself Podcast NFT collection will have an award bounty, to attract our targeted list of candidate council of elders to activate their Council of Elder NFT by being a guest for an exclusive NFT episode (income generating) and therefore committing to attend the activities & hold a keynote speech at our annual Unity Consciousness Family (UCF) Event. 20% of total YAM tokens are earmarked as a bounty award. Each approved social media engagement to a post involving #anahatafamily #lifeitselfpodcast #guestnameexample earmarks 1.5 YAM token, tokens will unlock when the episode NFTs are minted.

Interactive Token Airdrops

Holding groups of live Zoom or Discord calls, regarding the network, its future and potential, use-cases and Q&As concerning the Anahata DAO. Participants will have an airdrop delivery of YAM tokens, upon successful completion of activity and having provided the necessary details for executing the airdrop of YAM tokens. We have a 3% allocation of the total 7.9 billion token supply towards attracting various user groups.
Existing Anahata DAO family members around the globe will organize local community gatherings, setting up the requisite physical or virtual infrastructure and provide information sessions, Q&A’s regarding the Anahata DAO. A 2-to-1 YAM token reward will be given to the organizing contributor and the new member who joins Anahata DAO.

Lastly we will incentivize new comers with interactive token airdrops, to engage users with our activities through challenges and volunteer tasks, and therefore have skin in the game in projects in the form of tokens, creating a viral movement on the social media by the hashtag of #anahatafamily.

Family Structure (Avatars)

1) Elders, 2) Godfathers and Godmothers, 3) Big Brothers and Big Sisters, 4) Initiates, 5) Brothers & Sisters, 6) 1st Cousins, 7) Extended Cousins, 8) Other Relatives and 9) Anahata Children.

Roles & Responsibilities

Everything is energy, and so is time and a seemingly finite energy at that. Time spent is sort of an investment into whatever we value in in life and society. During the industrial age, it has been so that workers would exchange their hours, often in the form of physical labor, or mental labor with the advent of technology, in exchange for fiat currency that you use for the things you actually value.
Our token economies incentivize the use of tokens with directly aligned interests of supporters (investors), citizens (contributors) and other users, eliminating the need for employees and employers as such. As we step into the exponential age, through the use of distributed consensus technologies such as the blockchain, we are re-defining every role that we have associated with.


We are founded as a decentralized autonomous organization, with the use of blockchain technology and distributed consensus networks – Ethereum Virtual Machine, Avalanche Network and Consensus Mechanism. Our governance functions on the back of blockchain technology and consensus mechanism to enjoy the supremely powerful technologies applied with our Master Mind Alliance principle. Anahata DAO is a free society with its own value system, that one is able to enter or leave by choice.

As we are a borderless, distributed organization, our network of reach will be wherever there are members participating in the ecosystem, activities can occur in the physical or virtual, depending on the parameters of each project as approved by the greater Anahata family.


We are at a crossroads as a species and the choices we make today shape the future of tomorrow. Unlike other creatures on Earth, who are destined to live a certain pattern, we humans are of a special kind, we can decide and do decide every moment, whether we are conscious of it or not; that we make our own reality and everything that comes with it.
Unity consciousness is here now; this is the vibration of the planet. Whether humans vibrate to it or not is a choice, at Anahata DAO we choose unity and will act as beacons of energy and light for other souls to see, feel and become the light that we all have within us.

Revolution – Institutional Technology

Thanks to the institutional technology we have in blockchain, a new modality for organizing society and economy has emerged, putting some of the most fundamental rules governing society once again up for grabs and open for redefinition, as advanced economies move out of industrial production and into a new form of global services as an information economy.

We are about to enter a world, where the number of economies, more appropriately ecosystems in the world may well be measured in the billions, not the small hundreds and these will be largely built on technologies like the blockchain.

We at Anahata DAO choose to vibrate the 12 qualities of the heart as our value system and welcome you into the family of boundless possibilities, where we co-create consciously together.

Welcome to join our candidate founding citizens calls, discussions on discord and telegram. Our fair start period is from 21st December 2021 until 31st December 2021 23.59